(Source: Hertsmere Borough Council) Week 02 Planning applications received between 13/04/2015 and 19/04/2015 Planning Applications Registered: Between 13/04/2015 and 19/04/2015 Week Number: 2 Councillor Call in Date: 06/05/2015 Aldenham Applic ID: 15/0533/HSE Category: Delegated Decision Ward: Aldenham East Location: Proposal: Applicant: 6 Homefield Road Radlett Hertfordshire WD7 8PY Erection of single storey and first floor front extensions; Single storey side extension to include an integral garage and two storey rear extension (Revised Application). Mr Allan Wren 6 Homefield Road Radlett WD7 8PY Agent: Mr David Balkind 12 Oak Close Sutton SM1 3LQ David Balkind Design Case Officer: Mr Sam...
Week 02 Planning applications received between 13/04/2015 and 19/04/2015 (Hertsmere Borough Council)